Sunday, December 28, 2008


Sorry it has been so long since i have posted! i have been really busy! let me recap what has happened in the past couple of weeks:

~ I got my braces off!!!
~Rachelle (my cousin) and her family came up to visit!
~ Got out of School For Christmas break!

So i got my braces off on the 16th of December! Yes, after 3+ years i finally have a normal mouth; one that will NOT set off medal detecters lol

next, my oldest cousin on the Wright side; Rachelle came up to visit with her 4 adorable kids and cool husband Kempe! The week has been filled with sledding, pedicures, delicious ice cream cake, reenacting the nativity, playing spies, playing campout and sleepovers complete with Hannah Montana movies and popcorn! I love it when they come to visit!

Also, A late Merry Christmas to everyone!

Hope You all had a great holiday!

(p.s. i will try to post pics later)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Gingerbread Houses and Lights....

Last Night we did our annual tradition of building gingerbread houses. Every year we make gingerbread houses with a family that we know has little kids. This year we made our houses with the Hardy family:) They are so cute and their kids are very creative! Anyways after that Claire, Tommy John and I all hung up christmas lights in our rooms. Our rooms all look very festive now:)

Here is my house:

Twilight Update

Ok so i have seen Twilight 5 times now!! i am obsessed with this movie. it is so freakin cool:) check out the song Supermassve Black Hole at the bottom of the page to hear some cool music from the movie!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Finals and Family....

Right now it is finals week at school and i hate it lol luckily i have my family at home to stay up late and help me study. Thanks so much guys,

p.s. i only have a picture of my siblings cause my parents dont believe in taking their own pictures


Ok everybody.... we are only 22 days away from Christmas!!! I love Christmas:) If everything works out then we get to go to utah either before or after the holiday!! I love Utah!:) I have so many awesome cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. So fun; cousin sleepovers, staying up late to watch physch, midnite trips to wendys and of course shopping with the fashionable aunts and uncles. Plus who doesnt love their grandparents! mine are awesome! Love you guys

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa:)

Grandma and Grandpa Short got here today to spend Thanksgiving with us! I am so excited:)


Twilight is officially one of the best movies i have ever seen:) leave a comment if you agree lol