Sunday, December 28, 2008


Sorry it has been so long since i have posted! i have been really busy! let me recap what has happened in the past couple of weeks:

~ I got my braces off!!!
~Rachelle (my cousin) and her family came up to visit!
~ Got out of School For Christmas break!

So i got my braces off on the 16th of December! Yes, after 3+ years i finally have a normal mouth; one that will NOT set off medal detecters lol

next, my oldest cousin on the Wright side; Rachelle came up to visit with her 4 adorable kids and cool husband Kempe! The week has been filled with sledding, pedicures, delicious ice cream cake, reenacting the nativity, playing spies, playing campout and sleepovers complete with Hannah Montana movies and popcorn! I love it when they come to visit!

Also, A late Merry Christmas to everyone!

Hope You all had a great holiday!

(p.s. i will try to post pics later)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That sounds so fun!!!!